California Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) Induction Program
Green Dot’s CASC Induction Program is a CTC approved program designed for part-time or full-time school administrators who hold the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential and now need to clear that preliminary credential by obtaining the Clear Administrative Services Credential.
The CASC Induction Program is an individualized, job-embedded, two-year program with enrollment in a program expected upon placement in an administrative position, but no later than one year from activation of the preliminary credential (CTC PSA 16-13). As required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), this primarily coaching-based program includes the development of an individual induction plan, participation in professional learning opportunities, and ongoing candidate assessment and reflection.
Program Design
Each Induction Candidate will be paired with an Induction Mentor who is familiar with their school’s context and leadership team and who does not directly evaluate the candidate in their current role. The program and induction coach will collaborate with the candidate’s immediate supervisor and the candidate to develop the candidate’s individualized induction plan based on their individual needs. Throughout the two year program, candidates will receive at least 40-50 hours of individualized coaching per year from their Induction Mentor. The Induction Mentor will support the candidate in identifying 30 – 40 hours per year of appropriate and aligned professional development opportunities that support growth in the CPSELs of focus in their individualized induction plan.
Program Completion Requirements:
Candidates must present the following to qualify for attainment of the Clear Administrative Credential:
- Obtain Verification of Employment to confirm 2 years of experience as a full-time administrator
- Receive at least a rating of 3 on every CPSEL standard based on: Artifacts in CASC Induction Tracker and Growth Narrative provided by Induction Coach and candidate during Yearly Review at the end of Year 2
- Confirmation by Area Superintendent/Director of Admin Clear Program that all components of program have been completed:
- Completed Individual Induction Plan
- Completed CASC Induction Tracker with
- 40-50 hours one-on-one with their Induction Coach logged each year
- 30-40 hours scheduled professional learning each year. (Professional Development Reflection)
Admission Requirements:
The application process for internal candidates requires an online application and submission of the following documents:
- Resume
- Copy of valid California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
- A copy from the CTC website is acceptable documentation
- Official verification of employment (VOE) as a full or part-time administrator. The verification form needs to be signed by your school district’s Director of Human Resources, Director of Personnel, Superintendent, or Assistant Superintendent.
- Personal Statement – In writing, please provide your personal history (in terms of employment) and your goals as an educator (approximately one page in length).
Resources: Grievance Policy/Right to Appeal