Families come to Green Dot California because we promise to do right by their children – to prepare them for college, career and life. Our families stay because we deliver on that promise.
Why Choose Green Dot Public Schools California

With overwhelming enthusiasm and support from our students, parents and communities, we’ve grown steadily for over 20 years, from a single school to 19 schools throughout Los Angeles. Here are a few of the qualities you’ll find at every Green Dot school:

Great Teaching
High-quality instruction is at the heart of Green Dot. We are committed to recruiting, training, and supporting the very best teachers to attain professional excellence.

College-Going Culture
To put our students firmly on the path to college, Green Dot promotes a rigorous, college-going culture. We have high-expectations and we provide the support students need to meet and exceed those expectations.

Social and Emotional Supports
Students’ mental, emotional and physical well-being is crucial to their academic progress. On our safe, welcoming campuses, all students feel respected and valued. We have one adult for every nine students on campus, ensuring students have the opportunity to build positive relationships with multiple adults on campus. We provide a range of mental health supports and have one counselor for every 285 students, which is more than twice the state average.

Parent and Community Engagement
We know that parents are vital partners in student success. We prioritize a transparent relationship between our students, teachers, and families through collaborative tools such as PowerSchool, Coffee with the Principal sessions and School Advisory Councils. We also provide parents with training and support to advocate for themselves, their children and their communities, becoming agents of change who revitalize their neighborhoods. United Parents and Students, Green Dot’s network of families, is a testament to the sustaining power of parent and community advocacy.

The Green Dot Academic Model is unique in that it calls on us to remain agile, innovative and continually reflective. Our mission invites us to continue to innovate using high quality, research based practices from the education sector and beyond.
Find a Green Dot California School
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Enroll with Green Dot California's Schools

Serving Grades 6 – 12
Green Dot admits students entering the sixth through twelfth grades through a public, random drawing. Depending on the campus, priority in lotteries may be given to siblings, students matriculating from a Green Dot middle school and/or to families living in the district or attendance area.
Submit Applications Online
We’re excited to welcome you to one of our schools! Our middle and high schools only require a simple lottery form to start the enrollment process.
We currently have seats available in grades sixth through twelve. Our schools will host random, public lotteries if there is more demand for seats available.
Families who are interested in enrolling their students in a Green Dot school for the 2022-2023 school year should click the link for their choice of school below.
Applications received after the application deadline will be placed on a waiting list in the order received.
Lottery dates differ by campus. Schools may accept students throughout the year, and will notify families immediately if a space becomes available.
To obtain a paper version of the form, please contact us via email or call us directly at (323) 565-1600. You can also call the school directly. To read frequently asked questions, please click here.
Middle Schools (Grades 6-8)
High Schools (Grades 9-12)
- Ánimo City of Champions Charter High School
- Ánimo Inglewood Charter High School
- Ánimo Jackie Robinson Charter High School
- Ánimo Leadership Charter High School
- Alain LeRoy Locke College Preparatory Academy
- Oscar De La Hoya Ánimo Charter High School
- Ánimo Ralph Bunche Charter High School
- Ánimo South Los Angeles Charter High School
- Ánimo Venice Charter High School
- Ánimo Watts College Preparatory Academy
- Ánimo Pat Brown Charter High School
Span School (enrolling grades 6-12)
Opened in 2017, Ánimo Compton will add additional grade levels each year, ultimately serving grades 6-12.