(323) 565-3251
Special Education & Psychological Services Commitment
Ánimo Florence-Firestone's special education and psychological services team is committed to addressing barriers to learning through an integrated academic, social-emotional and behavioral system that bridges services to students with disabilities in an inclusive environment.
Our approach
We provide high quality and accessible programming that embraces the strengths of our students. Our special education supports are created with high structure in order to foster a highly inclusive supported environment for all of our scholars and their families.
Department Contact Information
Dr. Susana Campo
Senior Director of Special Education & Psychological Services
[email protected]
(323) 565 - 1600
Special Education Program
Hugo Rodas Estrada
[email protected]
School Psychologists
Aida Jaramillo
[email protected]
James Foot
[email protected]
Vicky Quinto
[email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can my child attend Ánimo Florence-Firestone if she/he has an IEP?
Yes, we are a public school and welcome all students.
I have questions about my child's IEP. Who should I reach out to?
Please contact the school and ask to speak with your child's special education teacher.
Who should I contact for a special education evaluation or support for my child?
Please contact our school psychologist to share your concerns.
Related Links:
A Parent's Guide To Special Education (Rights & Safeguards) - English >>
Una Guia Para Padres de Educación Especial (Derechos y Garantías Procesales)-Espanol >>
The IEP And You/El IEP Y Usted (English/Español) >>
Least Restrictive Environment-English >>
Entorno Académico De Restricción Mínima (LRE) -Español >>
Are You Puzzled By Your Child's Special Needs? - English >>
¿Está Desconcertado Con Las Necesidades Especiales De Su Hijo? -Español >>
School and Family Support Services (SFSS) - English
School and Family Support Services (SFSS) - Spanish
Extended School Year (ESY) Services For Students with Disabilities- English
Extended School Year (ESY) Services For Students with Disabilities- Spanish
Read Our Policy Below for Homelessness Resources
Our School Liason is:
Melissa Peña
Community School Manager
1149 S. Hill St., Ste. 600
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act for Homeless Children and Youth entitles all homeless school-aged
children to the same free and appropriate public education that is provided to non-homeless students. To that
end, Green Dot has adopted the following policy regarding the enrollment and education of homeless students.
A homeless student is defined as a person between the ages of two and eighteen who lacks a fixed, regular, and
adequate nighttime residence. It includes children and youths who:
- Live in an emergency or transitional shelter; abandoned building, parked car, or other facility not designed as a
regular sleeping accommodation for human beings - Live \"double-up\" with another family/are sharing the housing of other persons, due to loss of housing,
economic hardship, or a similar reason; - Live in a hotel or motel due to lack of alternate adequate accommodations;
- Live in a trailer park or campsite due to lack of alternate adequate accommodations;
- Have been abandoned at a hospital;
- Reside in a home for school-aged, unwed mothers or mothers-to-be if there are no other available living
accommodations; - Are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or
similar settings; and - Are a migratory or abandoned, runaway, or throwaway youth that qualifies as homeless because he/she is
living in circumstances described above.
Homeless status is determined in cooperation with the parent or guardian. In the case of unaccompanied youth,
status is determined by the School Liaison.
School Liaison
The Principal designates the following staff person as the School Liaison for homeless students:
Melissa Peña
Community School Manager
1149 S. Hill St., Ste. 600
The School Liaison shall ensure that:
- Homeless students are identified by school personnel and through coordination activities with other
entities and agencies. - Homeless students enroll in, and have a full and equal opportunity to succeed at Green Dot.
- Homeless students and families receive educational services for which they are eligible, including
- Head Start and Even Start programs, and referrals to health care services, dental services, mental
health services, and other appropriate services. - Parents/guardians are informed of the educational and related opportunities available to their
children and are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their
children. - Public notice of the educational rights of homeless children is disseminated at places where children
receive services, such as schools, shelters, and soup kitchens. - Enrollment/admissions disputes are mediated in accordance with law, the Green Dot charter(s), and
Board policy. - Parents/guardians and any unaccompanied youth are fully informed of all transportation services, as
applicable. - The School Liaison collaborates with State coordinators and community and school personnel
responsible for the provision of education and related services to homeless children and youths.
Green Dot shall immediately admit/enroll the student (subject to the school\'s capacity and pursuant to any
procedures stated in the charter), even if the student lacks records normally required for enrollment. Records
will immediately be requested from the previous school.
If the student needs to obtain immunizations or does not possess immunization or other medical records, the
Principal or designee shall refer the parent/guardian to the School Liaison. The School Liaison shall assist the
parent/guardian in obtaining the necessary immunizations or records for the student
Ánimo School es una escuela pública chárter gobernado por una junta directiva sin fines de lucro y supervisado por el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Los Ángeles. El 12 de enero, 2016, la junta de LAUSD votó para aprobar una Resolución de la Junta, \"Mantener informados a los padres: Transparencia Chárter,\" la cual se aprobó con el apoyo de la comunidad chárter de LA. La resolución resaltó información y datos que las escuelas públicas chárter comparten con los padres a través de sus peticiones chárter, sus Informes de Responsabilidad Escolar, los Planes de Agencia Educativa Locales, los Planes de Responsabilidad de Control Local, las Auditorias Anuales y otros documentos públicamente disponibles.
Esta información de Ánimo Leadership Charter High School está disponible electrónico o manualmente a petición de los padres. Según la resolución de la junta, los padres pueden solicitar esta información en inglés y en cualquier otro idioma primario que cumpla con los requisitos de Secciones 45400 a 45403 del Código de Educación de California.
Seguridad e Instalaciones
- Los planes y procedimientos de seguridad y salud (véase la petición chárter, página 100)
- Evaluación de las Instalaciones Escolares (véase el Informe de Responsabilidad Escolar, página 6)
Currículo y Enfoque Educacional
- Materiales Educacionales (véase el Informe de Responsabilidad Escolar, página 4)
- Contenido del Currículo (véase la petición chárter, página 23)
- Estatus de Credenciales de Maestros (véase el Informe de Responsabilidad Escolar, página 4)
- Las cualificaciones de los empleados (incluido las de la dirección de la escuela); Personal (incluyendo pero no limitándose a los maestros, los administradores, el personal de oficina, el personal de limpieza, los asistentes, etc.) régimen de compensación está disponible a solicitud. (véase la petición chárter, página 90)
- Estructura Administrativa y Administración Financiera (véase la petición chárter, página 140)
- Cumplimiento de la Ley Brown (véase la petición chárter, página 104)
- Estructura Administrativa y políticas (véase la petición chárter, página 78)
- Cualquier relación material entre la escuela, su organización administrativa chárter (CMO) y cualquier persona o entidad que controla, que es controlado por, o que está bajo control común con la escuela o su CMO; El término, “control,” se emplea aquí con el significado que se le atribuye en la Regla 405 promulgado bajo el Acto de Seguridades de 1933, en su forma enmendada – es decir, la posesión, directa o indirecta, del poder de dirigir o causar la dirección de la administración y políticas de una persona, ya sea mediante la propiedad de seguridades de votos, de un contrato o por otros medios.
Servicios Alimentarios
- Las comidas que se ofrecen a los estudiantes
- Se proporcionan comidas gratis o con precio reducido a los estudiantes que serían elegibles para recibirlas en una escuela pública tradicional
- Los procesos de lotería (incluida cualquier preferencia) y las fechas límites para la inscripción (véase la petición chárter, página 107)
- Tasas de graduación de los grupos de cuatro años (véase el Informe de Responsabilidad Escolar, página 13)
- Tasas de abandono escolar s (véase el Informe de Responsabilidad Escolar, página 13)
Tasas de Demográficas Estudiantiles
- Etnicidad (véase el Informe de Responsabilidad Escolar, página 3)
- Elegibilidad de ingreso para comidas gratis y de precio reducido (véase el Informe de Responsabilidad Escolar, página 3)
- Estatus de aprendiz de Ingles (véase el Informe de Responsabilidad Escolar, página 3)
- Educación especial, según tipo (detallado según los requisitos de las aplicables leyes estatales y federales y según disponibilidad de las escuelas públicas tradicionales del Distrito) (véase el Informe de Responsabilidad Escolar, página 3)
The Education Protection Account (\"EPA\") provides local education agencies (\"LEA\") with general purpose funding from the State of California. This funding was provided by the passage of Proposition 30 on the November 2012 California ballot.
A spending plan must be approved by the governing board during a public meeting. EPA funds cannot be used for the salaries or benefits of administrators or any other administrative costs. Each year, the LEA must publish on its website how much money was received from the EPA and how the funds were expended.
The Annual EPA Summary can be found here >>
For more information, please visit the California Department of Education FAQs regarding the EPA.
The SAC shall review the Single School Plan addressing the following focus areas before September 15th for the ensuing academic year. The SAC will subsequently monitor the plan and applicable data, and if necessary, recommend modifications to the plan to reflect changing needs and/or priorities throughout the year:
- Curricula, instructional strategies and materials responsive to the individual needs and learning styles of our students
- Instructional and auxiliary services to meet the needs of non-English-speaking or limited-English-speaking students; students with special or exceptional needs; and advanced students
- A professional development program for teachers, other school personnel, paraprofessionals, and volunteers, including those participating in special programs
- Build the schools\' and parents\' capacity for strong parental involvement and develop and annually review a written parent involvement policy, pursuant to No Child Left behind. The policy shall:
- Provide the coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist the school in planning and implementing effective parent involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance
- Coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies [under Title I] with parental involvement strategies under other programs as appropriate
- Conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy in improving the academic quality of the schools, including identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in activities (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background), and use the findings of such evaluation to design strategies for more effective parental involvement, and to revise, if necessary, the parental involvement policies described in this section
- Involve parents in the activities of the school
- Discuss and develop a plan for the distribution of stipends and other forms of compensation including release time for services provided outside the normal instructional day, pursuant to the Agreement between Green Dot Public Schools and the Asociacion de Maestros Unidos (AMU). This plan will be submitted to the Green Dot Governing board for ratification prior to September 30th of each year
- Determine the calendar for the following academic year and submit the calendar to the Green Dot Governing Board for ratification prior to May 15 of each year
- Review the school budget to assure spending in accordance with the goals of the plan. The SAC will recommend the school budget for the ensuing fiscal year before the principal submits it for Green Dot Public Schools Board approval
- Other activities and objectives as designated by the Green Dot Board of Directors
Minutes are available upon request. Please contact the main office.
Comuníquese con Nosotros
Director: Mock Mossett
Area Superintendent: Damon Hands
Green Dot Public Schools California President & CEO: Dr. Cristina de Jesus
5456 McConnell Avenue
Playa Vista, CA 90066
(323) 565-3251
[email protected]
5456 McConnell Avenue
Playa Vista, CA 90066
(323) 565-3251
[email protected]
Ánimo Westside Charter Middle School es miembro de la red de escuelas públicas Green Dot. Nuestra misión es preparar a todos los estudiantes para la universidad, el liderazgo y la vida.
Ánimo Westside Charter Middle School es miembro de la red de escuelas públicas Green Dot. Nuestra misión es preparar a todos los estudiantes para la universidad, el liderazgo y la vida.