To Contact Us with General Questions, Comments, or Concerns, please call (323) 565-3251, or

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Our doors are always open if you need support. Please contact the school with any questions or concerns:

Mack Mossett

Parent Coordinator:
Precious Mitchell

For Complaints Regarding Sexual Harassment / Title IX Harassment (What is Title IX?), Intimidation, Discrimination and Bullying, please follow our Uniform Complaint Procedures

If you continue to have concerns after speaking with the Principal, please contact the Area Superintendent and follow the procedures listed in our Title IX Policy. You can find the complete list of Title IX contacts for Green Dot California here.

For additional information, including how to file a complaint, your rights and responsibilities, and the Uniform Complaint Procedures Form, please click here.

If you are looking for support regarding supports for students experiencing homelessness or foster care, please contact

Homeless/McKinney-Vento Liaison:
Melissa Peña
Student Services Programs Manager
(323) 565-1600

Foster Youth Liaison:
Melissa Peña
Student Services Programs Manager
(323) 565-1600